National Provider Code No. 51259 | CRICOS Code 02543G

SIT50422 Diploma of Hospitality Management

(Pathway)(CRICOS Course Code: 111264H)

This qualification reflects the role of highly skilled senior operators who use a broad range of hospitality skills combined with managerial skills and sound knowledge of industry to coordinate hospitality operations. They operate independently, have responsibility for others and make a range of operational business decisions.
This qualification provides a pathway to work in any hospitality industry sector as a departmental or small business manager. The diversity of employers includes restaurants, hotels, motels, catering operations, clubs, pubs, cafés, and coffee shops. This qualification allows for multiskilling and for acquiring targeted skills in accommodation services, cookery, food and beverage and gaming.
The skills in this qualification must be applied in accordance with Commonwealth and State/Territory legislation, Australian standards and industry codes of practice.
No occupational licensing, certification or specific legislative requirements apply to this qualification at the time of publication.

AQF stands for Australian Qualification Framework while KIC stands for Kingston International College.

Description Amount
Application $250.00
Tuition $5,600.00
Resource $550.00
Total course amount $6,400.00
Commitment* $500.00
Payment Terms & Conditions
Prior COE issuance After issuance of COE
Application fee to be paid in full N/A
* Commitment fee to be paid in full
(Commitment fee will be adjusted / credited back to the student’s final term’s instalment of the course. See our Refund Policy for Terms & Conditions)
Resource fee to be paid in full N/A
Tuition fee for First Term / Term 1 to be paid in full Equal termly payment of the remaining balance and/or as per letter of offer from Term 2
  • All fees advertised are in Australian Dollars (AUD).

26 weeks (20 academic weeks + 4/6 weeks of study breaks depending on Christmas)
Mandatory scheduled classes: 2 days weekly.
Academic support day: 1 day weekly, on Fridays.
20 hours academic contact weekly.

  • Complete KIC’s Language, Literacy, Numeracy and Digital (LLND) test with at least a score of IELTS 6.0, PTE 50, TOEFL 64, CEA 169, OET B overall test result (KIC pathway student exempted) and
  • Successful completion of SIT30821 Cert III in Com Cookery and SIT40521 Cert IV in Kit Management.
Units marked with an *asterisk have one or more prerequisites.
1 SITXCCS015 Enhance customer service experiences Nil 3
2 SITXCCS016 Develop and manage quality customer service practices Nil 3
3 SITXCOM010 Manage conflict Nil 1 (credit)
4 SITXFIN009 Manage finances within a budget Nil 2 (credit)
5 SITXFIN010 Prepare and monitor budgets Nil 5
6 SITXGLC002 Identify and manage legal risks and comply with law Nil 5
7 SITXHRM008 Roster staff Nil 2 (credit)
8 SITXHRM009 Lead and manage people Nil 1 (credit)
9 SITXMGT004 Monitor work operations Nil 2 (credit)
10 SITXMGT005 Establish and conduct business relationships Nil 3
11 SITXWHS007 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices Nil 2 (credit)
17 ELECTIVE UNITS (1 Elective unit from Group A + 1 unit from Group B + 15 units from Group C)
12 SITXFSA005 (Group A) Use hygienic practices for food safety Nil 1 (credit)
13 SITHCCC023* (Group C) Use food preparation equipment SITXFSA005 1.5 (credit)
14 SITHCCC027* (Group C) Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery SITXFSA005 1.5 (credit)
15 SITHCCC028* (Group C) Prepare appetisers and salads SITXFSA005 1.5 (credit)
16 SITHCCC029* (Group C) Prepare stocks, sauces and soups SITXFSA005 2 (credit)
17 SITHCCC030* (Group C) Prepare vegetable, fruit, eggs and farinaceous dishes SITXFSA005, SITHCCC027 2 (credit)
18 SITHCCC031* (Group C) Prepare vegetarian and vegan dishes SITXFSA005, SITHCCC027 2 (credit)
19 SITHCCC035* (Group C) Prepare poultry dishes SITXFSA005, SITHCCC027 2 (credit)
20 SITHCCC036* (Group C) Prepare meat dishes SITXFSA005, SITHCCC027 2.5 (credit)
21 SITHCCC037* (Group C) Prepare seafood dishes SITXFSA005, SITHCCC027 2 (credit)
22 SITHCCC041* (Group C) Produce cakes, pastries and breads SITXFSA005 3 (credit)
23 SITHCCC042* (Group C) Prepare food to meet special dietary requirements SITXFSA005, SITHCCC027 2 (credit)
24 SITXFSA006 (Group C) Participate in safe food handling practices Nil 1 (credit)
25 SITXFSA008* (Group C) Develop and implement a food safety program SITXFSA005, SITXFSA006 2 (credit)
26 SITXINV007 (Group C) Purchase goods Nil 1 (credit)
27 SITHIND006 (Group C) Source and use information on the hospitality industry Nil 1
28 SITHCCC043* (Group B) Work effectively as a cook (Minimum of 48 workbased training sessions) SITXFSA005, SITHCCC027 1 (credit)
Academic weeks 20 weeks
Course study breaks (Depending on Christmas period) 4 to 6 weeks
Total course duration for 6 units of competency
(22 red-highlighted units credited from SIT40521 Cert IV KM and SIT30821 Cert III CC)
26 weeks

YEAR 2024

Jan 2024 (T1), 12 weeks 22 Jan 2024 to 31 Mar 2024 (10 weeks) 1 Apr 2024 to 14 Apr 2024 (2 weeks)
Apr 2024 (T2), 13 weeks 15 Apr 2024 to 23 June 2024 (10 weeks) 24 June 2024 to 14 July 2024 (3 weeks)
July 2024 (T3), 12 weeks 15 July 2024 to 22 Sep 2024 (10 weeks) 23 Sep 2024 to 6 Oct 2024 (2 weeks)
Sep 2024 (T4), 15 weeks 7 Oct 2024 to 15 Dec 2024 (10 weeks) 16 Dec 2024 to 19 Jan 2025 (5 weeks)

YEAR 2025

Jan 2025 (T1), 12 weeks 20 Jan 2025 to 30 Mar 2025 (10 weeks) 31 Mar 2025 to 13 Apr 2025 (2 weeks)
Apr 2025 (T2), 13 weeks 14 Apr 2025 to 22 June 2025 (10 weeks) 23 June 2025 to 13 July 2025 (3 weeks)
July 2025 (T3), 12 weeks 14 July 2025 to 21 Sep 2025 (10 weeks) 22 Sep 2025 to 5 Oct 2025 (2 weeks)
Sep 2025 (T4), 15 weeks 6 Oct 2025 to 14 Dec 2025 (10 weeks) 15 Dec 2025 to 18 Jan 2026 (5 weeks)

YEAR 2026

Jan 2026 (T1), 12 weeks 19 Jan 2026 to 29 Mar 2026 (10 weeks) 30 Mar 2026 to 12 Apr 2026 (2 weeks)
Apr 2026 (T2), 13 weeks 13 Apr 2026 to 21 June 2026 (10 weeks) 22 June 2026 to 12 July 2026 (3 weeks)
July 2026 (T3), 12 weeks 13 July 2026 to 20 Sep 2026 (10 weeks) 21 Sep 2026 to 4 Oct 2026 (2 weeks)
Sep 2026 (T4), 15 weeks 5 Oct 2026 to 13 Dec 2026 (10 weeks) 14 Dec 2026 to 17 Jan 2027 (5 weeks)

YEAR 2027

Jan 2027 (T1), 12 weeks 18 Jan 2027 to 28 Mar 2027 (10 weeks) 29 Mar 2027 to 11 Apr 2027 (2 weeks)
Apr 2027 (T2), 13 weeks 12 Apr 2027 to 20 June 2027 (10 weeks) 21 June 2027 to 11 July 2027 (3 weeks)
July 2027 (T3), 12 weeks 12 July 2027 to 19 Sep 2027 (10 weeks) 20 Sep 2027 to 3 Oct 2027 (2 weeks)
Sep 2027 (T4), 15 weeks 4 Oct 2027 to 12 Dec 2027 (10 weeks) 13 Dec 2027 to 16 Jan 2028 (5 weeks)

YEAR 2028

Jan 2028 (T1), 12 weeks 17 Jan 2028 to 26 Mar 2028 (10 weeks) 27 Mar 2028 to 9 Apr 2028 (2 weeks)
Apr 2028 (T2), 13 weeks 10 Apr 2028 to 18 June 2028 (10 weeks) 19 June 2028 to 9 July 2028 (3 weeks)
July 2028 (T3), 12 weeks 10 July 2028 to 17 Sep 2028 (10 weeks) 18 Sep 2028 to 1 Oct 2028 (2 weeks)
Sep 2028 (T4), 15 weeks 2 Oct 2028 to 10 Dec 2028 (10 weeks) 11 Dec 2028 to 14 Jan 2029 (5 weeks)

YEAR 2029

Jan 2029 (T1), 12 weeks 15 Jan 2029 to 25 Mar 2029 (10 weeks) 26 Mar 2029 to 8 Apr 2029 (2 weeks)
Apr 2029 (T2), 13 weeks 9 Apr 2029 to 17 June 2029 (10 weeks) 18 June 2029 to 8 July 2029 (3 weeks)
July 2029 (T3), 12 weeks 9 July 2029 to 16 Sep 2029 (10 weeks) 17 Sep 2029 to 30 Sep 2029 (2 weeks)
Sep 2029 (T4), 15 weeks 1 Oct 2029 to 9 Dec 2029 (10 weeks) 10 Dec 2029 to 13 Jan 2030 (5 weeks)